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CP Awareness Month: #GoGreen4CP

So you may be asking what #GoGreen4CP is all about? Well, March is CP Awareness Month. #GoGreen4CP is a hashtag campaign for CP awareness. So as you may have guessed, green is the color for CP Awareness.

Even if you do not have CP or even know someone with CP, March is the perfect opportunity to get involved! You may be asking, what can I do? Well, I have a few suggestions!


If you don’t know much about CP, you can easily fall into the pit of myths! One of the best ways to raise awareness for yourself and those around you is to read up on cerebral palsy. There are lots of resources.

The most obvious resource is the internet. Simply type in cerebral palsy and GO! Of course, the fact that you are reading this blog means you already know something about cerebral palsy.

Go directly to the source! If you know someone with CP, ask them if they would share their knowledge and experiences. Not only would you expand your knowledge of CP, but you also expand your friendship circle!

Hunter Kelch, owner of Come Roll With Me.  CP Awareness

Awareness through blogging.

Shout CP Awareness From the Rooftops…er…Social Media!

Social Media is one of the most powerful tools for spreading awareness. It is definitely my go-to resource for spreading awareness. You literally can reach millions with a click of a button.

Here are a few ideas for using social media to spread awareness

  1. Post Daily CP Facts. Don’t know a lot of CP facts? See above!

  2. Wear Green and post pics.

  3. Provide tips. This can be tips for managing CP, caregiving tips or tips on how to interact with individuals with CP

  4. Share CP related YouTube videos. Zach Anner videos are always hilarious and fun to watch. Josh Blue is another funny guy with CP on You Tube

  5. Hashtag campaigns. Need a clever hashtag? GoGreen4CP!

  6. Share CP related blogs…hint, hint! Or better yet, write one!

  7. Facebook Fundraiser

  8. Social Media Challenge. A few years ago, Pete Frates brilliantly created the Ice Bucket Challenge, bringing ALS to the forefront.

Special Olympics CP Awareness

Eddie participates in Special Olympics and Team Triumph

Events for CP Awareness

Events for Cerebral Palsy can occur year round. Your local United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) or other Cerebral Palsy organizations sponsor tons of events throughout the year. Sign up, show up or volunteer!

Walk-a-thon or 5k runs are also popular in many communities. Team Triumph is another way to be involved and enrich the lives of those with cerebral palsy (and other disabilities). As a matter of fact, my friend Eddie not only runs for Team Triumph, he also has CP!

Becoming involved or simply attending the Special Olympics can spread awareness. Special Olympics has summer and Winter events. Many of the participants have cerebral palsy.

2010 Honda Element

My New Wheels achieved through fundraising!

Fundraising and Donating

I am very supportive of local fundraising. Know a family affected by CP? Reach out to them. Find out if there is a camp, a piece of equipment not covered by insurance, an accessible vehicle or medical bills they need assistance with. Organize a fundraiser for them. It does not have to be a huge fundraiser…bake sales, brat frys, or a car wash will do! Every little bit goes a long way!

Four years ago, a group of my friends organized a fundraiser for me. I was able to purchase an accessible vehicle from the proceeds! It was a lot of hard work, but so worth it in the end! I could never thank them enough for all they did for me.

Organizing a Go Fund Me campaign is a less time consuming way to raise money for a family or individual affected by CP. Raising money for research is another way to make an impact.

Goofing off

At a ball game with my friend, Adam!

It’s The Little Things

CP Awareness can happen all year round with little gestures. It would be nice if CP only affected families in March. However, there is not vaca from cerebral palsy.

  1. Caregiver respite nights- Know a family with a child (adult children included) who has CP? Most likely, they need a break. Volunteer to provide care so caregivers can get away for a worry free night.

  2. Visit! So many adults with CP (or any disability) are lonely and isolated. A visit is always appreciated. Bring a meal, watch a movie, play a game or have a cookout.

  3. Have a pet? Bring them for a visit too! People with disabilities sometimes can not afford pets and appreciate the furry friend company.

  4. Stay connected! Call, email, text, Skype…does not matter how, just stay connected.

  5. Meals-Not only cooking a meal, but share a meal. Again, isolation and loneliness is common with individuals with disabilities.

  6. Attend community events. Look into accessible transportation options and accompany a friend with CP to a local event.

  7. Ask, “What can I do?” These words are precious to individuals with disabilities, as well as caregivers!

  8. Wear Green!

Buttons available in my Facebook Store

Advocate…Advocate…and You Guessed It…Advocate!

See a need in your community? Speak up! Write to your local paper. Show up to meetings. Stand up for the rights for those with disabilities and their families. One loud voice can be heard louder than all the rest.

Advocacy is the greatest form of support.

CP Awareness does not take a lot of time or effort. However, it makes a huge difference in many lives. So put on your greens and go to it!

And, as always, Keep Rollin’ and Keep Smilin’


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