Caring.com is a very useful support and information tool for all types of caregivers. Caring.com offers information, advice and on-line support from other caregivers. In the US, about 40 million caregivers provide care to an adult who is either disabled or ill. Over 15 million provide care to a family member with dementia or Alzheimer Disease. The need for caregiver support is great.
I stumbled upon Caring.com while searching for a caregiver support group in my area. Unfortunately, in my area there is no support group for family caregivers with adult children. The support groups are focused on those providing care to family members with dementia and Alzheimer Disease. Caring.com is a helpful alternative to a local support group.

Caring.com also provides helpful articles for caregivers. Some of the topics include caregiver burnout, sleep issues, depression, food and fitness, and overall caregiver wellness. I have read through some of these articles and have identified with many of them. The information is beneficial. What is most helpful is simply knowing that the struggles and feelings I experience are felt by others. Not that I want others to face the challenges I face, but it is the knowledge that I am not alone that helps.
Caring.com provides a quiz to access caregiver burnout. It was no surprise that I am at high risk for caregiver burnout. Caring.com goes beyond informing you about what you may already know, they also provide an article link with helpful information along with the quiz results. Reading through the article was helpful and the advice given was doable. Click here to take the quiz.
By Peter Rosenberger
Caring.com also provides definitions and options for living arrangements such as: assisted living, independent living and senior living. As with most caregiving sites and resources, this is mostly geared toward senior citizens dealing with dementia and Alzheimer disease. However, it is great information for those in that situation. Caregiving decisions can be overwhelming and the information is clear and easy to understand.
For me, the most beneficial aspect of Caring.com is the support groups. The groups provided are too many to list. I, personally, was able to find a group that fit my situation. I took the first step and posted a summary of my situation. Within 24 hours, I received a reply from a woman in almost identical situation. In many ways, it validated the feelings I work through. This certainly is not a “cure”, but to know someone in the world understands makes life less lonely. I have wonderful friends and a support system. However, the loneliness comes from not having a person in my life who is experiencing my situation. Caring.com connects caregivers who have a deep understanding of each other’s situations.
If you are a caregiver or know a caregiver, I encourage you to check out Caring.com. It will be the first step in caring for yourself. Caring.com can connect you to resources to assist you through the caregiving process. Most importantly, caring.com can connect you to others who are experiencing the same situations.
Be well!